Two Surveys

 We Need Your Feedback on Two Surveys! 

District 4 Survey

As a valued subscriber to the District 4 General Service blog, can we ask you something? How can D4 General Service be even better? We want you to know that what you think is important!

Do you have deep thoughts about General Service? We want to hear them all.

This is an anonymous survey so you can tell us what you really think! It is designed so that no one can be identified from the data. You do not have to respond to any questions that you feel could be used to identify you. Simply skip any such questions.

We’d love to compile as many responses as possible and report the results at a future Business Meeting. Thank you for providing your feedback. We appreciate the time you take and will actively use the info to improve D4 General Service!

Click the button to start the District 4 Survey

Area 15 Survey

In an effort to learn more about the experience our members had at the January assembly and to assist the area officers in making members’ experiences at future assemblies as rewarding as possible, we’re interested in gathering information directly from you. This survey is comprised of 10 multiple-choice and short-answer questions.

The survey is anonymous (we ask members to identify their service position but not their names or districts). The responses will come back in spreadsheet format and will be reported in the area chairperson’s report. Thank you in advance for your help with this.

Click the button to start the Area 15 Survey

Updated: November 20, 2023 — 7:50 am

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