Up until recently, when welcoming a newcomer, we would offer them a Big Book. During this time where a lot of our meetings are online, although we can no longer hand them a Big Book, we can direct them to aa.org where they can read or listen to the Big Book and the Twelve and Twelve. One group* created a website with a digital “Newcomer Packet,” which groups can use as a link on their home page to provide newcomers with pamphlets from aa.org. We decided to provide that info here.
Disclaimer: Many links on this page will open outside this site. We don’t control any linked websites and don’t take any responsibility for their content, but we thought you might find this useful. Click any of the links to open a new tab to the outside websites.

Where Do I Start?
Below are links to A.A. literature that will help you learn more about Alcoholics Anonymous:
Find a Meeting
- Local in-person – District 4 Meeting Finder (Sarasota – Manatee Counties)
- Local Online – District 4 Online Meetings (Sarasota – Manatee Counties)
- Online – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous (Worldwide)
Who Can I Call?
- Ask for phone numbers from members at your first few meetings. They will be happy to help!
- Local 24 Hour AA Hotline for Sarasota and Manatee Counties – AA Helpline: 941-951-6810
- Online Intergroup 12th Step Committee – Request an international Help Line phone number for your country.
The Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can, and
Wisdom to know the difference.
Remember that alcoholism is a progressive disease. Take it seriously, even if you feel you are only in the early stages of the illness. Alcoholism kills people. If you are an alcoholic, and if you continue to drink, in time you will get worse.
Thanks to the Southwest Florida Area 15, District 5 Literature Committee for this template.