There’s A.A. Energy in the Air

Our little blog has taken off. Congratulations. Due to your efforts, we now have 101 subscribers. Keep promoting its use. Why? Because the more subscribers the more information reaches our groups and our members. Can we hit 150 subscribers?

The world is opening up!. And as it does our jails and institutions need us to bring meetings. Medical and Nursing Schools need us. And High Schools are clamoring for our support. This is a golden 12th Step opportunity. Contact Janice R., Hospitals and Institutions Chair, Or contact Jeff S., Public Information / Cooperation with the Professional Community Chair, See how you can help.

This weekend is the Area 15 Virtual Assembly. Let your voice be heard. Our Delegate Tom W.needs to hear your thoughts on this year’s agenda items. Should we change our Literature? And what’s our relationship with LinkedIn? Or Google? Go to for complete weekend details.

As always, thank you all for the incredible work you do in our District.

Updated: April 7, 2021 — 3:09 am

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