The Results are In!

Newly Elected District 4 Officers

We are truly blessed to have such an outstanding group of trusted servants to represent the District for the next two years.

Angie S.,  District Chair,  will bring huge enthusiasm and a sense of fun to this position.  And with her wealth of experience and deep understanding of A.A. “All will be well in District 4”. 

Laurie M.,  Alternate District Chair has served in many positions over the years, most recently as Co-Chair of Intergroup,  past Chair of PICPC and District Secretary.  And like Angie, she is a wizard at organization and has a great understanding of our District and its needs.    

Jean W., District Registrar has currently filled this position brilliantly as Interim Registrar.   Her in-depth understanding of database management  has guided our District to a new level of accuracy for contacting our District members.  And she has assisted the Area in implementing a much improved  record keeping system.  

Jeannie S., Recording Secretary,  has embraced service at the  District and at the Area level.   She has Chaired our Technology Committee for the last 2 years.  And she has helped to facilitate the district’s initiatives  to integrate technology into many of our Service practices.  



This fun and exciting position is still open.  If you want to learn where the money comes from and how it gets spent, this is your position.  Learn how money pays for the many and creative 12th Step programs in our District. And meet many of the faces behind these programs.

Join this exciting  panel for the next two years.  If you, or someone you know, is interested and have 3 years of sobriety and have been a GSR, please contact me by sending me a message.   As a past District Treasurer, I can speak first hand about the rewards of this position.  

Once again, please welcome and congratulate our newest Panel of Trusted Servants

Updated: October 17, 2022 — 10:56 am

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