The Principle of Rotation

Most of you that are taking the time to read these posts know what rotation is. “One of the most valuable resources of any organization is the experience of those who have gone before” Be it sponsors, service sponsors or past trusted servants. I have had the need to reach out several times. “The sharing of what they’ve done right, and the sharing of the mistakes they’ve made, become a solid foundation for continued healthy growth.” We have done good work. I am blessed to have been put here and grateful to ALL that I have served with. “ Because of the wise and spiritual principle of rotation, we in Alcoholics Anonymous are blessed with a constantly vital and always growing pool of people whose primary aim is to serve the AA Fellowship.” If you are qualified for a position and have a desire to stand for an upcoming position, do it – you won’t regret it. Service has been at the core of my sobriety.

Quotes from:
June 1969 The Spirit of Rotation
By Don P.

Updated: August 27, 2022 — 10:42 am

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