THANK YOU & Farewell 2020 !!!!

Hello & Happy Holidays

I must say this year has been VERY strange, challenging, and rewarding but then again that’s what most years bring. But 2020 had this thing called Covid which affected the fellowship in a dramatic way. Although I am not certain about the whole D4 I believe most of you reading this have taken the precautions necessary to remain healthy. PLEASE keep it up. With the progress of the vaccines that are coming 2021 could be the comeback year.

Panel 69: Alan T., Sharon K., Jacquline O’S., Laurie M. THANK YOU! It has been amazing serving with each of you. We knew coming in our hope to communicate with the trusted servants in D4 needed to be a priority. And with the website committee’s work on the D4 website and the additional features of the website we’ve helped lay the groundwork for a lot to come.

I jumped into service after attending one day at the 2010 International Conference in San Antonio. My mind was blown to see the enormity of the fellowship in action. One of the many things that saddened me this year was the cancelation of the World Conference. But I digress. When I got back and told my home group at the time how AWESOME the conference was and I was voted GSR for the group. So began my service journey and once you begin you CAN NOT stop.

Sobriety is a gift, service is a miracle in action, each of you are miracles that have touched many. We carry the message. In 2030 some of us may or may not be here I hope to still be doing some sort of service. I hope to meet you along the way “as we trudge the road to a happy destiny”

Mick G.
Panel 69

Updated: December 19, 2020 — 1:46 pm

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