Sharing On Founders’ Writings

 A Message From Cary W

South Florida Area 15 Delegate 


Hello and holiday greetings! I hope this finds you well and enjoying the season.

The attached document from our Trustees Literature Committee is intended to get the conversations going about possible future changes. How to stay relevant vs. preserving the founder’s writings. The questions here are intended to start the sharing and discussions, not to limit you in any way. You are encouraged to take the discussion where it leads you.

Please discuss [this] among your fellow alcoholics, and I will provide a way to collect your ideas and comments. I am considering an online meeting after our assembly depending on the participation. It was intended that we share our area’s ideas at the conference next year. 

Thank you! and thank you for all you do!
Cary W
Delegate Area 15/Panel 73
South Florida, Bahamas, US and British Virgin Islands, Antigua, St Maarten, and Cayman Islands Trustees Committee


Questions for Discussion


This is an anonymous survey comprised of the questions posed in the attached document. Once you have discussed the issue with your group, or want to post your personal opinion, please provide your feedback in the survey, and tell us what you really think! It is designed so that no one can be identified from the data. We’d love to compile as many responses as possible and report the results back to our Delegate. We appreciate the time you take and thank you for providing your feedback!

Click the button to start the Survey

Updated: December 16, 2023 — 9:18 am

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