We have an exciting opportunity on our Area 15 Outreach Committee for several DCM’s. The Committee hosts Service Workshops throughout the Southern Florida area and the Caribbean. Currently, the workshops are virtual but will eventually resume face to face. If you are interested please contact the Committee Chair Fawn S. at DCMIRC1@gmail.com, 774-222-2534 (call or text).
The Committee meets Saturday at the Area Quarterlies. The Committee’s focus is on developing Workshop Topics and supporting selected speakers. The committee members do not do the presentations. Please use this link for additional information on this Committee.
The Outreach Committee is hosting an Area Bootcamp for new GSR’s this weekend. Check out the Flyer on our District 4 site. https://dist4gsaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/GSR-BOOT-CAMP.pdf