I attended a meeting this morning and the GSR distributed a slip of paper. On it was our District email address typed in large bold lettering. When the chair asked for announcements the GSR encouraged the attendees to go to the site. What would they find? There they would find information on service opportunities, our Blog site, and our new Contribution web page. I was so excited to this see this effort to share information with our members. Don’t be shy. Try any and all ways to get our members excited about our new web site. Let them see the many events happening in our District. You are the great communicators!!! Thanks for all your efforts.

Don’t forget about our upcoming Coffee Talk. February 27th, 9:00 am. Learn what AA is doing to let the Public know how we help Alcoholics recover. Learn what each of us can do to help. FULL DETAILS LISTED AT

Updated: January 25, 2021 — 10:36 pm

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