Announcing: Completely revised and redesigned pamphlet “Young People in A.A.”

Announcing: Completely revised and redesigned pamphlet “Young People in A.A.” (Item P-4)


Sept 15, 2023

Dear A.A. Friends,

We are delighted to announce that the new revised and redesigned pamphlet “Young People in A.A.” is now available for ordering.

This revised item of General Service Conference-approved literature features new stories by seven young A.A. members, and we follow their experience, strength and hope as they share: how it was, what happened, and what it is like now on their sober journeys as members of our Fellowship.

With input and feedback from young A.A. members attending recent YPAAs, this beautifully redesigned pamphlet includes colorful illustrations crafted by one of our most beloved Grapevine illustrators and debuts with much enthusiasm from all who helped to contemporize its presentation of A.A.’s message of hope – and deliver it to the Fellowship.

Now available in English and Spanish, with a French edition coming off press soon, the revised pamphlet has Item number P-4 and has a list price of $.40.

As always, we encourage ordering the Big Book and all of our items of literature from local distribution sources—groups, districts, areas, Intergroups and Central Offices—as they play a vital role in local Twelfth Step activities.

To order this as well as other items of literature from the A.A.W.S. webstore, click here.

For questions, comments and sharing on this topic, please email us at

With all best A.A. wishes,

David R. – A.A.W.S. Publishing Director

Malini Singh – Director of Operations

Updated: October 2, 2023 — 2:09 pm

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