Hello Trusted Servants of D4 We just concluded our first D4 General Service ZOOM meeting. And I’m happy to say it went fairly smooth. We had a total 32 in attendance. Which is about what we had in attendance at any given meeting at Central Office. It is the panels hope to help communicate and empower each of our trusted […]
2020 International Conference in Detroit, MI is canceled
English Announcement French Announcement Spanish Announcement
A NEW Powerless !
Greeting Trusted Servants I hope everyone is safe. I hope you are taking the precautions to face the New reality we are experiencing. So many things have changed except for one thing. For me I must rely on my HP for the source of strength I need to get through this. Be it my quiet time in the park at […]
Conference Agenda Background
Hello Trusted Servants of District 4 ! Thank you for your service. If you have not had the opportunity to review the Conference Agenda Background PLEASE take the time and look it over. Be forwarned there are 1000 + pages. A lot of content to absorb. Honestly I don’t even think I will be able to handle / understand all […]