Hello All, Confused by your position as a GSR or Alternate GSR? What is an ACM and what do they do? Do you have questions about general service in general?….. I know I do! The term BOOTCAMP can be a bit daunting especially for a Saturday morning but don’t let it scare you. In February, there will be a fun […]
District 4 Hosting this Weekends Area 15 Assembly
This will be a jammed packed weekend for learning. Tradition and Concept workshops. Local District 4 members speaking at GSR and DCM Workshops. And several of our members are hosting our late night speaker meetings. The weekend culminates with our Business Meeting on Sunday, so encourage all DCM’s and GSR’s to be there to cast their votes and represent their […]
DCM Service Opportunity
The Area 15 Current Practice Committee is looking for (4) members of Panel 71 that are serving as a DCM to join the committee. Please see the Area’s Current Practice Committee composition below. Co-Chaired by the two immediate Past Delegates. Four current District Committee Members and a Secretary/Treasurer selected by the Co-Chairs also serve on the Committee. The Area Chairperson […]
THANK YOU & Farewell 2020 !!!!
Hello & Happy Holidays I must say this year has been VERY strange, challenging, and rewarding but then again that’s what most years bring. But 2020 had this thing called Covid which affected the fellowship in a dramatic way. Although I am not certain about the whole D4 I believe most of you reading this have taken the precautions necessary […]