Meet New General Service Board Members & Other A.A. News

Sometimes it can be difficult to stay current on what’s happening in A.A. I find it helpful to subscribe to the Quarterly digital version of Box 459. Try it.

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This month meet the new Chairperson of the General Service Board, Linda Chezam. We also have several new Class A and Class B Trustees. I know you will be amazed to read the depth of experience and dedication they bring to our fellowship.

This quarter’s issue also has a terrific sampling of the Conference Agenda Items voted on by our Delegates. This is just a sampling. Tom W., our Delegate, will provide a more in-depth discussion on June 19th at 10 AM Eastern Time. This will be a hybrid meeting so as many members can attend as possible. Spread the word at your Home Groups.

Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 834 8733 4103 Passcode: 346209

The latest edition of the Grapevine just arrived. Read about Dating and Relationships, a Special Edition. There’s a very funny story about making amends to your ex.

Also, read about a recent independent study on A.A.’s effectiveness and our surprising success rate. Not news to us. But big news for the skeptics.

The Grapevine has print and online subscriptions. They are available at

Read how today’s members are applying our program and enjoying life without alcohol. Try it out. If you like it, pass it on to your Sponsees. They will thank you.

Updated: June 8, 2021 — 4:47 pm

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