Let’s Speak our Minds

Special D4

Business Meeting

Join us tomorrow at our Special District 4 Business Meeting.  Hear the discussion and make your decision on how you feel about some key issues affecting A.A. this year.

The items to be discussed are listed on our meeting Agenda.  To help you better understand these issues we have attached  a Summary.  This Summary has been prepared by Area 14, North Florida. It is a great resource to understand the basics of an Agenda Item.

However, if an Agenda Item grabs your interest, please go to the General Service Conference Background material.  This is essential to fully understand the ins and outs of any Agenda Item.

As we discuss the Agenda items try to identify which items you think will be of most interest to your group.  Discuss these items with your group and learn whether they favor the Agenda item or not.  Your groups’ input will be very valuable when you attend our April Assembly.

Do you see an issue on the Summary not scheduled to be discussed?  Don’t worry.  There will be time to address the issue.   Need more clarification? Speak to any of our Trusted Servants.  We are here to help.

See you tomorrow morning.  Remember start time is 9am.  In person or on Zoom.

Pastries and Bagels and Cream Cheese!

 click here to  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 8733 4103
Passcode: 346209

Do you need the Agenda?

Updated: March 26, 2022 — 3:40 pm

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