Monthly D4
General Service Meeting
Please join us tomorrow morning!
At 9 am we will discuss Tradition 2. Come and learn why our leaders are trusted servants.
Then at 10 am we will move quickly into our Business Meeting. Our Finance Chair will review our finances. Our PICPC Committee will update us on new media opportunities. And finally, we will review our timeline for reviewing exciting issues being discussed this year at the General Service Conference. Remember, as a member of AA we each have a right and a responsibility to let our trusted servants know how we feel about these items.
Our meeting is Unified. Please join us in person at our Central office located in the Oak Park Business Center at 1748 Independence Blvd, Unit G-2. I hear the donut and bagel elf has been invited. If unable to be there in person,
click here to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 8733 4103
Passcode: 346209
Do you need the Agenda?