It’s Gratitude Month!!

Member Blog by Susan N.

This is Gratitude Month in A.A. And my sponsor told me that gratitude is an action. Does you group want to do some special 12th Step Work? Would the Group like to help those incarcerated. A great way to take action and help the Grapevine and La Vina is by purchasing some subscriptions for one of our local jails? The Manatee County Jail.** would be thrilled to receive multiple subscriptions (Not available at this time for the Sarasota County Jail.).

The Grapevine/La Vina does not accept donations. They can only continue their great work through subscriptions and purchases.

My group would rather support other institutions or even newcomers. Not a problem. Your group can select any institution or get gift certificates to give to the newcomer. You can even have the Grapevine staff in NYC select an alcoholic in need.

So many options. Click here for full details. Need more help. Reach out to Susan N. (847) 387-2038.

Manatee County Jail
Attn: Lt. T. Ambrus
14470 Harlee Rd.
Palmetto, Fl 34219

Updated: November 6, 2021 — 3:49 pm

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