GSR DCM Workshop Report 6-19-23

Workshop Report June 19, 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended the first GSR/DCM Workshop held on June 19, 2023!!! If you were unable to attend, these are the highlights:

– Informational presentation on General Service, including job descriptions for GSRs and DCMs.

– District 4’s Website interactive subdistrict map will be brought to life. As a first step, DCM e-mails are now in place so that when an individual clicks on a subdistrict, the subdistrict page will display options to e-mail or send a message to the respective DCM for ease of contact – so you can get the word out! Many groups do not know who their DCM is and this is but a start to stay connected. Ideas for future use would be to have subdistrict groups provide their DCM with blog ideas, and to add content to their pages about upcoming events, etc.

– The upcoming Quarterly is July 14-16 in Tampa. The agenda and motions are posted on our website. All GSRs are encouraged to review the motions with their home groups and be ready to vote their group conscience at the quarterly. (Concept 3 – the right of decision -briefly explained and all were highly encouraged to study the Concepts.)

We’re also at work to have subdistrict pages display a list of groups/meetings within a subdistrict. The goal is to make the website and the interactive map a useful tool for all. Suggestions are welcomed!!! Please reach out to me at with any questions or concerns.

Since we have the Quarterly the weekend of July 14th followed by the District General Service meeting on July 22nd, I have decided to hold the next GSR/DCM Workshop on Monday, August 21, 2023, at 6 p.m. I have some ideas for a presentation, but this meeting is ultimately for you. How can we assist you? Please send your ideas!!

To reach the biggest audience, the next meeting will be hybrid. If you cannot attend in person, a Zoom link will be provided as the date nears. Hope you can join us!

In love and service,

Laurie M.
Alternate District Chair – District 4

Updated: March 27, 2024 — 7:40 am

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