Hello All,
Confused by your position as a GSR or Alternate GSR? What is an ACM and what do they do? Do you have questions about general service in general?….. I know I do!

The term BOOTCAMP can be a bit daunting especially for a Saturday morning but don’t let it scare you. In February, there will be a fun & interactive GSR BOOTCAMP presented by the South Florida Area 15 Outreach Committee and they are here to HELP!

Who should attend? GSR’s, Alternate GSR’s, DCM’s, Alternate DCM’s or anyone interested in General Service.

When & Where? Saturday, February 6th at 9:30 am EST. Outreach Virtual Workshop-Zoom, of course!

Zoom ID-984 5601 2712 Password-gsr

Why? Because general service is fun, information & experience allows us to help more people!

BONUS: There will be a lot of presenters from this area including our very own Alan T, district chair, and Tom W, our area delegate. Check out the flyer attached.


Molly M
Recording Secretary

Updated: July 31, 2023 — 7:59 am

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