Do you want to know more
about Final Agenda Items
that will be discussed at the
75th General Service Conference?
Join our Area 15 Delegate and Alternate Delegate
for a series of online sessions to hear about the items members have told us are of interest to them**
Click on the image below to view PDF version
Monday, March 10, 6-7:30 pm
Conference committees: Agenda: Items I, J
Report & Charter: Items A3, B, C
Trustees: Items A, F, G
Tuesday, March 11, 6-7:30 pm
Conference committees: Grapevine/LaVina: Items C, D, F
Public Information: Items J, L
Wednesday, March 12, 6-7:30 pm
Conference committees: Corrections C, E
Thursday, March 13, 6-7:30 pm
Conference committees: Finance: Items A, F
International Convention/Regional Forums: Item C;
Policy & Admissions: Items E, F, G
Friday, March 14, 6-7:30 pm
Conference committee: Literature: Items J, K, L
(Our Delegate is serving on this Conference Committee)
Saturday, March 15
Attend Our District 4 General Service Meeting Comprehensive Items Presentation 10 a.m.
OR if you cannot attend our District 4 meeting, attend this Area zoom from 10-11:30
which is limited to cover any items of interest not previously covered
Meeting ID: 842 8585 4625
Passcode: 75GSC
**These sessions will be recorded and posted to the Area 15 website ( in the link “Everything You Need to Know About the 75th General Service Conference”