Get Ready to Inventory!

South Florida Area 15

“Group Inventory”

In the near future, South Florida Area 15 is conducting a 3 session “Group Inventory.”  We are so excited to share with you the questions to be reviewed.  Our facilitator is Madeline P., a past Pacific Regional Trustee.  There will be two “Review” sessions and one “Solutions” session.

Don’t miss this opportunity to help guide South Florida Area 15. I’ve heard some great ideas from our members. Now’s the opportunity to share them!


Inventory Sessions will be held on the following dates:

Saturday, June 4, 2022, from 6-8 p.m.

Saturday, July 30, 2022, from 6-8 p.m.

Saturday, August 13, 2022, from 6-8 p.m.


Meeting ID: 848 3340 2348

Passcode: inventory (note the lower case “I”)


The facilitator has chosen inventory questions based on what she has found most effective in her experience with Area inventories. Here are the questions we will discuss:

  1. What is the purpose of our Area?
  2. If we in General Service are the Group’s link to A.A., what can we do to improve that link?
  3. What could the Area add, revise, or drop from Area Assemblies that would make them more inclusive and informative?
  4. How can the Area attract more GSRs to attend Area Assemblies?
  5. Do we emphasize the importance of service sponsorship? How can we do better?
  6. Does the Area effectively prepare its trusted servants for their positions? If not, what can we do better?
  7. Do our Area Service Committees provide enough support to Districts and home groups?
  8. Does the Area use our Seventh Tradition funds effectively to carry out our primary purpose? How can we do better?
  9. How effective is the Area GSR Sharing session at Area Assemblies at providing GSRs the information they need to carry out their GSR responsibilities in their home group, District, and the Area?
  10. How effective is Area communication with the Groups, Districts, and the rest of the service structure as a whole? What can we do better?
  11. Does the Area provide a safe, functional, and accessible meeting place for our Area events? If not, what can we do better?
  12. Are there any current structures or positions within the Area that are not effective or possibly not necessary? If so, what are they, and why are they not effective?
Updated: June 11, 2022 — 10:13 am

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