We have heard past Delegates, current Delegates, Trustees, and even our recent 71st Conference, speak on A.A.’s need to use many channels of communication to reach those who still suffer. Attached is an example of this new communication. WARNING. 1) This is not A.A. approved. 2) It is a RAP. STOP.
Don’t hit the delete button. Don’t be like me. Don’t practice “contempt prior to investigation”. This is an amazing example of the 12 Steps being presented in a new way.
Watch the entire video. Let me know your thoughts. Share your comments; good and bad. This is how we all learn. WHAT AN ADVENTURE WE ARE ALL ON!!!

ANSWER: Rhythm and Poetry

Updated: July 20, 2021 — 11:52 am


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  1. In answer to Joe Mc… Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but they all materialize as we work for them.

  2. That is soooooo fantastic!! Thank you to all involved in creating that inspirational 12 step rap.

  3. I love it

  4. BRILLIANT! Deep and true, also great fun! Lets open the district meeting with some rap!

  5. Brilliant on so many levels! Also fun! I will be sharing this!! Can we dance to this at the district meeting??

  6. I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!! We can spread the message in so many languages!!!!

  7. I really dislike rap in general because a lot of it is “gangsta” – negative and abusive. This however is positive and helps us carry the message. MORE PLEASE!

  8. I sent this to a bunch of AA friends . Thanks for posting

  9. I know this is not AA but if it helps one suffering Alcoholic to reach out for help, it’s a win. I’m sure A.A. is working to see how similar formats can help share our message with a new generation of members.

  10. Love it! Great way of reaching out and spreading the message! Very talented . Personally I am more of a Rock’n’roll kinda girl , and I am old enough to listened to Sugar Hill and the Gang back in the day…Clearly Rap is “trending” and resonates with our youth. I believe Our Responsibility is to attract and help a wide variety of people, not just those who like the same bands we do- which is how I chose my friends in my teens… I know that we are “People who normally would not mix “and we need to appeal to everyone “from Steerage to Captain’s Table” I welcome diversity:)

  11. I almost did not look because I do not like rap. BUT this put a smile on my face and is wonderful for young people. Thank you for posting. I am passing on to my group. Vicki L

  12. I looked on Youtube and saw this was published 8 years ago. What took D4 so long to get on board with technology?

    1. sometime quickly, sometimes slowly Joe.

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