District 4 Business Meeting Tomorrow- Don’t Miss It!

Our Business Meeting

will start tomorrow at 10 am.  Please join us as we will have elections for a new Registrar.  Be there to see who may stand for the position.

We may also have a surprise on filling our Literature Chair position.

Speaking of surprises.  I’m sure someone out there would love to surprise us all and stand for the Accessibilities Chair position.

Two Motions will be presented.   Are you up for some Chili?  What about a Service Event with a  delicious Chili Cook-Off contest?   Cast your vote.   We will also review revisions to our Events Committee’s responsibilities.

And for you early birds.  Join us at 9 am for Tradition 1 presented by our very own Treasurer, Brian S.  Keeping the food theme going, Brian always delivers the “bacon”.

More food!  For those joining us in person, our very own Vicki L, will be delivering bagels w/cream cheese and donuts.

The Agenda is packed.  Be prepared to learn a lot.  But please keep your shares focused and on topic so we can end the meeting promptly at 12pm.

I will stay after the meeting to discuss in greater detail the events and results from last weekend’s Assembly.


Updated: January 21, 2022 — 11:37 pm

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