Did They Really Say That?

Amazing participation. Thank you to the 145 members who shared their opinions. And wow! Our newer members spoke up. 45% of the participants have less than 5 years in A.A. Have you read the results? The comments are brilliant. And so helpful. Print a PDF from the Website. Share the results with your group.

D4 Member Survey Results – Click to open

Tommy N. has volunteered to lead a group to discuss the next steps. And you can be part of this group by contacting Tommy at thomas.e.nolan@gmail.com. Help us. Share your ideas. You make all the difference in keeping our program fresh and energized.

When you see Susan N.(Wednesday Night Serenity Seekers Group) and Chris M.(Longboat Island Chapel Group) give them a huge thank you. Susan took lead in creating and distributing the survey. And Chris did the technical magic to digitally tabulate and present the results. Fantastic teamwork.

Doing service in District 4 is amazing! You’re all amazing.

Updated: April 23, 2021 — 1:21 pm

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