DCM Service Opportunity

The Area 15 Current Practice Committee is looking for (4) members of Panel 71 that are serving as a DCM to join the committee.  Please see the Area’s Current Practice Committee composition below.

Co-Chaired by the two immediate Past Delegates. Four current District Committee Members and a Secretary/Treasurer selected by the Co-Chairs also serve on the Committee. The Area Chairperson is an ex officio member of the Committee. Linguistic Liaison, selected by the Area Linguistic Committee, also serves as a non-voting member of the Committee.


Our committee will be meeting on Saturday, January 16th at 9:00 am during our virtual Assembly if you or anyone in your district is interested in attending.



With Gratitude,

Annie C. & Shirley P.

Past Delegate P67/A15, P69/A15

Current Practice Co-chairs

561.573.5190 Mobile Annie

941.266.0609 Mobile Shirley


Updated: January 12, 2021 — 9:29 am

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