Conference Agenda Background

Hello Trusted Servants of District 4 ! Thank you for your service. If you have not had the opportunity to review the Conference Agenda Background PLEASE take the time and look it over. Be forwarned there are 1000 + pages. A lot of content to absorb. Honestly I don’t even think I will be able to handle / understand all of it.

This is why we have a special meeting in March rather then our regular GS Meeting to review / summarize it. Last year our Delegate Shirley posted the background on the Area 15 website and it will be along with a breakdown of separate folders for easy access.

This year with the D4 Website we also have it for all of you to share with AA’s in District 4.

You may access the Conference Agenda Background under Documents > District 4 Documents in the menu above. This is a password protected area. If you do not have the password please reach out to me and I will provide it. Find my contact information under the officers tab.


Mick G

Updated: August 22, 2020 — 9:39 am

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