H & I

Hospitals & Institutions Committee

This Committee takes meetings into rehab and other facilities established to help people to recover from alcoholism. The committee designates members of the community to commit to chairing a meeting in one of these facilities. It also takes meetings to the jails and institutions which house criminals. Many of these individuals are in their predicament because of alcohol. If you would like to help “pass the message” of recovery through the twelve steps of AA by chairing a regular institution meeting, please come join us!

To learn more about volunteering for H&I, click here

H & I Committee Volunteers must have at least 1 year of continuous sobriety. However, all members of AA are welcome to join us at our monthly committee meeting.


eMail H&I hichair@dist4gsaa.org


Correctional Volunteer Opportunities

A.A. Corrections Workbook

Manatee County Jail

To volunteer please contact the the appropriate coordinator for the Manatee County Jail. Download an application and work with the coordinator.

Sarasota County Jail

To volunteer please contact the the appropriate coordinator for the SC Jail area of interest listed at the bottom of this page.

Treatment Volunteer Opportunities

A.A. Treatment Committee Workbook

Bridging the Gap

From the Bridging the Gap pamphlet published by AA:

“Part of Bridging the Gap between a treatment program and A.A. is the Temporary Contact Program, which is designed to help the alcoholic in an alcoholism treatment program make that transition. As you know, one of the more “slippery” places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of the facility and the nearest A.A. group or meeting. Some of us can tell you that, even though we heard of A.A. in treatment, we were too fearful to go. A.A. experience suggests that attending meetings regularly is critical. In order to bridge the gap, A.A. members have volunteered to be temporary contacts and introduce newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous.”

If you would like to volunteer as a Bridge in our community or would to speak with someone about going to a meeting, please call 941-529-1775 or email hibtgap@dist4gsaa.org


Link to the A.A. Bridging the Gap pamphlet

H&I eMail Links

H&I Chair

H&I Alt Chair

H&I Secretary

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