Join us tomorrow morning for our explosive Traditions Workshop at 9 am. Followed by our 10 am Business Meeting not to be missed. Hear about this past weekend’s Assembly. The first in 22 months. And learn what District 4 has planned for this year’s Founders Day celebration.
Attend in person. Special donuts are supplied from 505 Donut Shop. Or cozy up on Zoom and be one of the coolest squares in District 4.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 8733 4103
Passcode: 346209
For those first-timers attending in person, the Central office is located in the Oak Park Business Center at 1748 Independence Blvd, Unit G-2. Enter through back door.
**Also, as a reminder Committee Reports, Financials, Agenda, Workshop & Previous Month’s Meeting Minutes are posted on the website prior to business meetings for your review, convenience and accessibility.
Password for the protected website is: PW