Area 15 Election Results

Area 15 AA is alive and well.  District 4 had 21 Voting Members at this weekend’s Assembly.  15 made it to 10:30pm on Sunday evening when the Elections were finalized.  What a voting experience.  Our new Area 15, Panel 71 Officers are:   Tom W., Delegate, Carrie W., Alternate Delegate, Lisa D., Chair, Wayne H., Treasurer, Donna W., Registrar, Karen V., Secretary.  Fantastic panel.  Two positions, Treasurer and Secretary, had five ballots and ultimately went to the hat.  Several positions had as many as 7 candidates standing for service.  Don’t miss your opportunity to do service.  District 4 Elections will be October 17, 2020.  See calendar for Zoom details.  We need your skills, your ideas and your enthusiasm.  Join us.  Service is Core in District 4.

Updated: October 13, 2020 — 9:10 am

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