A Worker Among Workers

On August 19, 2021 our dear friend, Carol K., passed away. Carol worked tirelessly over the years to get the word out about A.A. She loved to carry the message to students of nursing, medicine, and social services. And she coordinated many A.A. meetings in our jails. She worked with the Young People’s AA Groups (YPAA) who are now frequent speakers at our high schools and middle schools.

And she loved the Grapevine. We know of at least 36 articles she authored for the Grapevine. It is only fitting this month’s issue of the Grapevine, contains her last article. Please read Carol’s beautiful tribute to the work of our Public Information/Communication with the Professional Community Committee (PI/CPC).

And the work continues today, in our jails, our rehabs, and our schools. Please help in our efforts to Carry the Message. Contact Jeff S.(340) 690-5431 or Janice R. (813) 299-0101 to see how you can get involved.

And support our Grapevine/La Viña Magazine. This is where you will find the stories of today. And in today’s everyday language. See how you and your group can get involved in Grapevine’s Carry the Message Project.

Let’s spread the word and the power of the Grapevine.

Updated: September 24, 2021 — 9:30 am

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