So you stood for DCM and were elected….what now? Even though we are a year into your 2 year term.
You were a GSR for your home group and have been to District and Area meetings. Hopefully you have a service sponsor that has taken you through the Service Manual and answered some of your glaring questions
- Do you have a list of the groups in your sub-district.
- Do you have the current GSR or Contact
- Do you visit or at least email GSR/groups regularly (monthly)
- Are you asking if there is any issues at the group
- Are you emailing current Motions and reminding the GSR to speak to their group and get back to you
- Are you reporting issues to the district for direction and ways of problem solving
- Are you attending Area Assemblies and if so, are you the voice of the groups or the voice of yourself because you don’t speak or know how your groups feel.
- Do you report back what happened at the Area meeting and/or District meeting
DCM is a HUGE job, with many challenges but so many more rewards. If you feel overwhelmed or need suggestions please reach out. We’ve all been there. You are Never alone!!!
SUB-DIST 2, 4, 10,
SUB-DIST 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14
Pass the word.. get involved! Step out of the box and See why there is a need.
Yours in Service, Angie S, altchair dist4