Great Service Opportunities

Help us fill two very important positions.

Events Chair- A Fun, Energetic, Happy, and Creative Committee. We all love Fellowship and we need a leader to guide us. If you have two years of sobriety and love pulling people together, this service opportunity is for you.

Grapevine Chair – If you love the Grapevine and La Vina we need your help. If you have 2 years of sobriety, lead the charge to help Groups know the power of our monthly meeting in print. Create a team to announce the latest issue at meetings. Let people know how they can participate by sending in stories, or jokes. It’s easy. Check this link and see the exciting happenings at the Grapevine

If you are interested or know someone who is perfect for this service send me a message at Together we can get this done.

Updated: January 31, 2021 — 10:07 am

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