2025 International Convention

IMPORTANT/NEW info about the 2025 International Convention

Registration opens at 12 noon ET on Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Attached are 3 documents pertaining to the 2025 International Convention. These are all posted on our Area 15 website (area15aa.org) on the home page in the section called 2025 Alcoholics Anonymous International Convention. I have sent the first two documents before but the third one is new. I have included all three together in this email so you do not have to search for the others. They are attachments to download or view on our area website.

 First is the registration form. This form is for mail in registration. However, you will find lots of pertinent details to study before September 10th at 12 noon EST when online registration opens. You can decide from the options listed if you wish to add anything to your registration. Your registration process will go much quicker if you read this form in advance of Tuesday.

Second is the housing options document. It shows various color coded zones for possible places to stay while at the convention. The prices vary and are different distances from where the meetings will be located. Please look this over very carefully to determine what is your best option. There will be lots of people registering on Tuesday so I suggest selecting at least your top 5 hotels if not more.

Third is an explanation of how registration will work and how to register on Tuesday. The most important thing is you can refresh your web browser before you get in the queue or waiting room but NOT after you enter the queue or waiting room. If you refresh after you enter the queue or waiting room it will put you in the very back of the line. Having multiple devices will not make the process any faster and may actually slow it down by clogging up the waiting room.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you for your service!

Grateful to serve,
Lisa D
Delegate Area 15/Panel 73
South Florida, Bahamas, US and British Virgin Islands, Antigua, St Maarten and Cayman Islands
Trustees Committee
Delegate (area15aa.org)
Delegate’s Corner (area15aa.org)

Registration Form

Eng Esp

Housing Options

Eng Esp

Helpful Info

Eng Esp

Updated: September 9, 2024 — 9:39 pm

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